The installation is being done on Ubuntu Linux 64-bit version: 4.14, the minimum hardware and software for Oracle 11g SOASuite installation can be found here:
The facility is divided into parts as follows, see the link for each one to see the other parts:
- Part 1: Oracle Database XE 11g
- Part 2: Java SE Development Kit 7 – JDK
- Part 3: Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6
- Part 4: Repository Creation Utility (RCU)
- Part 5: Soa Suite
- Part 6: Soa Developer Domain
- Part 7: Oracle JDeveloper
Before we begin our Domain Installation execute the following command to make sure that your hosts file is correct, because in some Linux distributions local IP is changed to and is the correct
sudo gedit /etc/hosts
See if is as follows:
Note: Note that hostname will appear in the name of your machine that you put to install Linux
Above the IP if it is change to, save the file and close.
As our installation Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3.6 go on the road below, which is where will we configure our archive for our domain.
In my case is: /home/uans/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1/common/bin
Inside the bin folder run the file below using the following command:
This will open the screen below, then let Marked the option Create a new WebLogic domain and click Next
Below select the following:
- Oracle SOA Suite for developers – [Oracle_SOA1]
- Oracle Enterprise Manager – [oracle_dommon]
- Oracle WSM Policy Manager – [oracle_dommon]
- Oracle JRF – [oracle_dommon]
In the image below in Domain name: base_domain change to domainSoaSuite, and click Next
In the screenshot below specify a password *User Password and confirm your password *Confirm user password, then click Next
Now let marked the defaults and click Next
Stay tuned for the next steps and not change the values that should not
First, select at once all the values Schema Component
Now place the following values:
- DBMS/Service: xe
- Host Name: localhost
- Port: 1521
In Schema Password, enter the password you set when you did the installation of the RCU as Part 4: Repository Creation Utility (RCU)
Then click Next
On the next screen, it will make a test connection to your database XE and if everything is OK will be as below, and click Next
In the screenshot below, select the Administration Server option where we change the port and click Next
Now, Listen port: change the value 7001 to 9001 (Here I am just trying to show where we changed the door, but if you want to leave the value 7001, no problem) and click Next
Now click Create
Appearing the screen below your Domain has been successfully created, then click Done
To raise your domain do the following:
See above in that way he created his domain and go on the road:
In my case, is /home/uans/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/domainSoaSuite
Run the following command to climb your Domain:
Wait until you see the message as the image below:
<Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RUNNING>
<Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
Your domain now is OK, we will now open the Enterprise Manager 11g
In your browser go to the address http://localhost:9001/em
Note: The 9001 port is the port you chose to create my Domain
Appearing the image below your installation was successful.
Hugs and until next