Working with JMS messages on OSB – Part 1: Creating and Configuring Queues

Java Message Service, or JMS is an API for Java middleware oriented messages through the JMS API where two or more applications can communicate by messages.

Let this first Post learn to Create and Configure locally a JMS queue in the Oracle Service Bus Web Console, then learn how to Create a Message to send through this JMS Queue and soon after we will Receive this message and store it in our database using a BPEL process

See the links below to check the other parts:

Let’s start 🙂

In your browser go to the address http://localhost:9000/console

Note: The 9000 port is the number I chose to create my Domain OSB


Imagem Blog UansCarvalho

In the screenshot below click JMS Servers to create our JMS server

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Click below New

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Fill as follows:

Name: BlogJMSServer

Persistent Store: FileStore (will be set up local files for your JMS queues)

Click Next

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Below Target in select AdminServer and click Finish

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See below our JMS Server created.

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Now let’s create our JMS Module for that click JMS Modules as follows:

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Below click New to create a module which is actually just a place where we “organize” our ranks and settings

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Fill as follows:

Name: BlogModule

Descriptr File Name: BlogModule

On Location In Domain can leave blank and click Next

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In Server AdminServer select the option and click Next

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Below check the Would you like to add resources to this JMS system module and click Finish

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See below our BlogModule was created and we can now create the rest of our settings:

Imagem Blog UansCarvalho

Now let’s create our connection factory, for it yet in the screen above click New, select the connection factory and click Next option as below

Imagem Blog UansCarvalho

Fill as follows:

Name: ConnectionFactoryBlog

JNDI Name: ConnectionFactoryBlog

Leave everything else like this (default) and click Next

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Click on the screen below Advanced Targeting

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Now click Create a New Subdeployment

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Down in Subdeplyment Name put the nameConnectionFactoryBlogSubdeployment and click OK

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Below sure that in Subdeployments Factory is the name we created and Servers check the AdminServer option and click Finish

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Below we create our connection factory successfully created and is pointing (Targets) correctly to our AdminServer

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We will now create our Queue

Even in the above screen click New, select the Queue option and click Next as follows:

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Fill as follows:

Name: BlogQueue

JNDI Name: BlogQueue

Click Next

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In Subdeployments click on Create a New Subdeployment

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In Subdeployment Name: put the name BlogQueueSubdeployment and click OK

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Note that in Subdeployments already named we create JMS Servers and select the JMS server we created (BlogJMSServer) and click Finish

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See below our Queue (BlogQueue) was created successfully and is pointing (Targets) correctly to our JMS server (BlogJMSServer)

Imagem Blog UansCarvalho


There, we have already created and configured our JMS Queue successfully.


Hugs and until the Next




Criei este Blog destinado a desenvolvedores e interessados na Tecnologia Oracle SOA Suite, minha idéia é que no futuro ele sirva de referência para Analistas e Desenvolvedores desde aprendizes a especialistas. Já existem alguns Posts interessantes que abordam um pouco do meu dia a dia, no passar do tempo irei alimentar este Blog com o máximo de informações possíveis, por isso peço por gentileza aos interessados e afins que caso tenham alguma dúvida, sugestão ou crítica que me digam para que eu possa da melhor forma suprir as expectativas e na medida do possível sanar todas as duvidas que vierem a surgir ou até mesmo criar novos Posts abordando algum tópico que venha a ser relevante para todos os interessados. Obrigado Uans Carvalho




    Buen post, pero te faltó hacer hincapié en la configuraciones que se debe de hacer en la Factory para transaccionalidad, en la Queue para lo que es tiempo entre reintentos y máximo de estos reintentos, así como la configuración de la Error Queue que es tan importante.


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