Making a BPEL process for Synchronous Asynchronous

A BPEL process can be synchronous or asynchronous, only understanding we will basically define what is a BPEL Process Synchronous and Asynchronous BPEL Process: A Synchronous BPEL Process blocks the client (the one that is using the process) until the process finishes and returns a result to the client.

A Asynchronous BPEL Process uses a callback to return the result (if any). Generally, the asynchronous processes are used for long term processes, and synchronous processes that are used to return a result in a relatively short time. If a BPEL process uses asynchronous services, the process itself is usually also asynchronous.

Let’s use the example of my HelloWorld Project

Below it is a synchronous process and that we can identify for two reasons:

First Reason:

It has a ReplyOutuput


Second Reason:

Within this process BPEL go Source


See above written Synchronous BPEL


Now that we know how to identify a Synchronous BPEL see how simple it makes it a BPEL Asynchronous.

Go to the WSDL of the BPEL as follows:

Double-click helloworldbpel which is in Exposed Services to know the name of this BPEL WSDL.


Get the name of our WSDL and BPEL where he is.


Open the WSDL and look and look for the line <wsdl:output message=”client:HelloWorldBPELProcessResponseMessage”/>


Remove this line and should look like this:


Now go back to your BPEL and delete the ReplyOutuput box so that it is as follows:


Ready .. Have become our BPEL process for Synchronous Asynchronous

Let’s test it:

Run the project deploy in JDeveloper, then the MS (http://localhost:10000/em) Note: The port 10000 is the number that I chose to create my Domain.


Go to your project and click Test (here in my input‘m putting Blog Uans) and then click Test Web Service:


After executing see below that the service has been performed successfully however there is no return


Now look at the instance created and click on it to see the result.



Click AuditTrail and see that the concatenation Hello + Blog Uans was successful and there was no return of service

Note: In this example we use only one project Hello World to concatenate the name Hello + what is typed on input.


Also in Flow can see more detail where execution is flawless and no return.


This is just a very simple example, but no matter the complexity of your BPEL, making the same changes there will be problems.

Hugs and to the Next





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