Installing SOA Suite 12c

Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c – Part 5: SOA Developer Domain

In this post we will install the SOA Developer Domain for SOA Suite 12c

he installation will be done on Ubuntu Linux 64bit version: 16:04, the minimum hardware and software for Oracle SOA Suite 12c installation can be found here: 

The facility is divided into parts as follows, see the link each to see the other Parties:

Before we begin our Dominio installation run the following command to make sure that your hosts file is correct, because in some Linux distributions the local IP is changed to and is correct

  • sudo gedit /etc/hosts

See if it is as follows:

Note: Note that on behalf machines will appear the name of your machine that you put to install Linux

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Above the IP case is change to , save the file and close.

Run the following command to give permission to the /tmp as the permissions it are changed automatically after we installed the RCU

  • sudo chmod 777 -R /tmp

Now, see for example where is my setup:

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In my case it is: /app/oracle/homeOracle12c/oracle_common/common/bin

Inside the bin folder run the file below using the following command:

  • ./

This opens the screen below, leave checked the Criar um novo Dominio and then in Localização do Dominio on the way will be the name base_domain, here you must define the name of your Domain, in my case I put domainBpel12c

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Below select the following:

  • Oracle SOA Suite for developers – [soa]
  • Oracle Service Bus – [osb]

Note: It is interesting to check the option to Oracle Service Bus as we have to leave the domain of OSB created also, the other options will be marked automatically.

Then click Proximo

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Again click Proximo

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In the screenshot below specify a password *Senha and confirm your password *Confirmar senha, then click in Proximo

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Now, leave the options as marked below and click Proximo

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Now place the following values:

  • DBMS/Service: xe
  • Host Name: localhost
  • Port: 1521

In Senha do Esquema enter the password you set when you do the installation of the RCU

Then click Obter Configuração do RCU, being with all OK as below click Proximo

Note: in Proprietário do Esquema are DEV_STB, case in the RCU you have entered a different prefix DEV, you must change to the same name you defined.

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On the screen below you do not need to change anything, so just click Proximo

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On the next screen, it will make a test connection to your database XE and if everything is OK will be as below, and click Próximo

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On the screen below click again Proximo

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On the screen below, select the option Servidor de Administração where we change the port and click Proximo

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Now, in Porta do Listener: change the value 7001 to 20001 (Here I am just trying to show where we changed the door, but if you want to leave the value 7001, no problema) and click in Proximo

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Now click in Criar

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Below appearing all right click Proximo

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Appearing the screen below your Domain has been successfully created, then click Finalizar

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Hugs and see you soon




Criei este Blog destinado a desenvolvedores e interessados na Tecnologia Oracle SOA Suite, minha idéia é que no futuro ele sirva de referência para Analistas e Desenvolvedores desde aprendizes a especialistas. Já existem alguns Posts interessantes que abordam um pouco do meu dia a dia, no passar do tempo irei alimentar este Blog com o máximo de informações possíveis, por isso peço por gentileza aos interessados e afins que caso tenham alguma dúvida, sugestão ou crítica que me digam para que eu possa da melhor forma suprir as expectativas e na medida do possível sanar todas as duvidas que vierem a surgir ou até mesmo criar novos Posts abordando algum tópico que venha a ser relevante para todos os interessados. Obrigado Uans Carvalho

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