Installing SOA Suite 11g

Installing Oracle 11g SOASuite – Part 2: Java SE Development Kit 7 – JDK

Continuing our installation process of Oracle SOASuite 11g in this post we will install JDK package

How will we use the generic version of the installer of WebLogic Server 10.3.6, the separate installation of JDK is required. The generic version is independent of operating system, so it does not contain the JDK.

The installation is being done on Ubuntu Linux 64bit version: 4.14, the minimum hardware and software for Oracle 11g SOASuite installation can be found here: 

The facility is divided into parts as follows, see the link each to see the other Parties:

Download Java SE Development Kit 7

Download the required file using the link:

Here, click Accept License Agreement

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Select the jdk-7u71-linux-x64.rpm

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You see the Login screen below if you do not have an account please create it will be necessary for the other downloads.

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Made Login will see the message below: then choose the Save File option and click OK to save our file:

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Directed Download the jdk7u71-linux-x64.rpm file must have been saved in the folder ../Downloads

See that the file is with the RPM extension and so you must convert it to DEB for installation in our environment and also for setting up our file and other SOASuite packages you must install the file libaio1

On the Ubuntu Command Prompt, run the following commands:

This command updates its libs Ubuntu:

  • sudo apt-get update

This command installs the necessary libs for installation: (If you have already installed these libs, this part is not required)

  • sudo apt-get install alien libaio1 

Now run the following command to run the file:

  • sudo alien --scripts -d  jdk-7u71-linux-x64.rpm

Note: This command may take 2-10 minutes depending on your hardware configuration

See that created the file jdk_1.7.071-1_amd64.deb

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Run the following command to give the necessary permissions:

  • sudo chmod 777 jdk_1.7.071-1_amd64.deb

Run the following command to run the file:

  • sudo dpkg --install jdk_1.7.071-1_amd64.deb

Getting the message below the file was successfully installed

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To test the implementation of its java run the following command:

  • java -version

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Hugs and to the Next




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